Sunday, February 12, 2012


These past few weeks, my life has gotten exceedingly busier. I've been working longer days and even some Saturdays. Outside work, I had spiritual direction, a community logistic meeting, and dinner with DOOR staff. In the last two weeks, it felt like I had no time for myself. Eventually it started to take a toll on my mind. I started to have anxiety. I became more frustrated with housemates and work. I started doubt the benefits of living in community. If these negative emotions were left unchecked, they could start to affect my relationship with others and my performance at work.

I needed a break. I was stuck in a rut and there hasn't been time to reflect. This weekend, I decided to take it easy. On Saturday I slept in until 11am. Afterwards, I went for a long walk in the city. Sunday, I went to the cemetery to draw. By the end of  today, I felt renewed. I'm not nearly as frustrated or anxious as I was earlier this week. I was surprised how good I felt. In two days my negatives emotions  that have been building up inside me melted away. I think this is probably one of the most important lessons I learned this year. You cannot be at your best if you don't take the time to relax.

This week,  I remembered to get a picture of  Kindezi. The building was originally Turner Middle School, but closed. The building is now home to Kindezi and KIPP Atlanta. KIPP is another school that works with middle and high school students.  I believe this is Kindezi's last year using the Turner building. Next year they are relocating, I am not sure where though. 

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